
Make bath time fun with this Fizzing Bath Dough made with just three simple ingredients!

Ever since the boys were babies, bath time has always been a really important part of our daily schedule. Sure, it’s essential that we clean behind their ears and between their toes but even more than that, the bath tub seems to be one of the few places where technology and adult responsibilities can’t interfere and we are 100% focused on having fun with our kids!


Plant a shamrock! An easy and budget-friendly way to bring a colorful natural element into your decor.

I’m not Irish…not even one little bit. However, I married a guy who takes his Irish heritage seriously. His mother’s family came over from County Down. My kids have some of that Irish blood in them. Naturally, a tiny bit of the blarney has rubbed off on me. We also rank among the most obsessed fans ever of The University of Notre Dame. My husband and son are alumni so we arrange our lives around football season and bowl games. (Don’t laugh. I’m serious.) The first song my daughter learned to sing was the Notre Dame Fight Song. So…for years I have seen shamrock plants around St. Patrick’s Day in the stores. One thing I have never done is plant a shamrock. I’ve been trying to decorate with natural elements for a while now. At this time of year, something live and green in the house seemed like a good idea. So plant a shamrock I did.


The 50+ Best Scrap Fabric Crafts

If you are anything like me, you have fabric scraps that are so beautiful and you just can part with them.  Well, what to do?  Today I am sharing the 50 best scrap fabric project tutorials my search revealed.  You can make anything from fabric scrap home decor to jewelry, shoes and more.  Many of these are great last minute gift ideas as well.  Happy scrap busting!


Laundry Room Decor Ideas. Inexpensive ideas to decorate your laundry room!

Do you all remember when I agreed to participate in a 6 week room makeover challenge with some of my favorite blog buddies?  (If not, you can read more here.)
I basically waited until yesterday to start.  I mean, I did make a pretty awesome vintage clothespin mirror but other than that.  Nothing.  The place was a pigsty.  Also, it was super cloudy so my photos are lousy.  Eh.
Participating in this challenge was totally worth it even just to motivate me to clean out this room yesterday.  I'm kind of loving how it turned out.  Basically because it's clean.  It also feels more like current Michelle.  Not Michelle circa 2009. Although 2009 Michelle's hobby was cleaning so there's that.  I should channel my past lame self.


DIY Furniture | Check out the project plans for this industrial hallway cart (rolling console table) that only cost $18 in wood!

After scouring Craiglist for an entryway table and coming up short, I decided to make my own.  Many times when you find tables they are too wide and really cut off the hallway.  Making one yourself can allow you to get just the depth you want for your foyer.  This one is so simple to make and uses nothing but 2” x 4s which are super cheap and obviously very durable.


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